I Wish People would Learn

The one thing I wish everyone would learn is to understand and interpret their own religion, if one believes in a religion, in a true positive sense, and not to diminish, if not respect, some other religion even if one doesn't believe in any religion. Religion binds a community together yet it breaks a country and the world at the same time. The root cause of many problems the world is facing today is somewhere related to religion.

The one thing I wish everyone would learn is to help without casting any favour or obligation on the other person. How beautiful this world would be when people would help not as favour but as selfless service, in fact one would feel blessed if he would be bestowed with an opportunity to help.

The one thing I wish everyone would learn is to understand that their superiority being a human is not because they are human, its because the other things, animate or inanimate, around us are not human. We need to coexist the way nature has made it. When we destroy or exploit the world around us, we are in a way destroying a bit of the humanity every time.


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